
From Communio: “Do Not Hold Me: Ascending the Ladder of Love"

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Information Implosion and Explosion: "The Medium Is the Message" (Marshall McLuhan)

“That Hitler came into political existence at all is directly owing to radio and public-address systems. This is not to say that these media relayed his thoughts effectively to the German people. His thoughts were of very little consequence. Radio provided the first massive experience of electronic implosion, that reversal of the entire direction and meaning of literate Western civilization. For tribal peoples, for those whose entire social existence is an extension of family life, radio will continue to be a violent experience. Highly literate societies, that have long subordinated family life to individualist stress in business and politics, have managed to absorb and to neutralize the radio implosion without revolution. Not so those communities that have had only brief or superficial experience of literacy. For them, radio is utterly explosive. [. . .] With TV came the end of bloc voting in politics, a form of specialism and fragmentation that won’t work since TV. Instead of the vot...

From Communio: “'And If They Fall as Lucifer Fell': On the Lure of Anarchy"

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From Communio: "Why We Need Alexander Schmemann"

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Here and Now with Francis: 2/11/2022 (Communion of Saints, Joseph)

  From 2-2-2022 General Audience [D]eepen our understanding of the figure of Saint Joseph. Sometimes even Christianity can fall into forms of devotion that seem to reflect a mentality that is more pagan than Christian. . . . Even when we rely fully on the intercession of a saint, or even more so that of the Virgin Mary, our trust only has value in relation to Christ. As if the path toward this saint or toward Our Lady does not end there, no. Not there, but in relationship with Christ. He is the bond, Christ is the bond that unites us to him and to each other, and which has a specific name: this bond that unites us all, between ourselves and us with Christ, it is the “communion of saints”. . . . What, then, is the “communion of saints”? The Catechism of the Catholic Church affirms: “The communion of saints is the Church” (no. 946). See what a beautiful definition this is! “The communion of saints is the Church.” What does this mean? That the Church is reserved for the perfect? No. I...

From Communio: "Political Ambition and the Christian Life"

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#gabitaykoRefEd (Excerpt: The Plague by Albert Camus)

The Plague by Albert Camus 'In short, this epidemic has done him proud. Of a lonely man who hated loneliness it has made an accomplice. Yes, 'accomplice' is the word that fits, and doesn't he relish his complicity! He is happily at one with all around him, with their superstitions, their groundless panics, the susceptibilities of people whose nerves are always on the stretch; with their fixed idea of talking the least possible about plague and nevertheless talking of it all the time; with their abject terror at the slightest headache, now they know headache to be an early symptom of the disease; and, lastly, with their frayed, irritable sensibility that takes offense at trifling oversights and brings tears to their eyes over the loss of a trouser-button.' [. . .]  And indeed it could be said that once the faintest stirring of hope became possible, the dominion of the plague was ended.  It must, however, be admitted that our fellow citizens' reactions during that...