Front Matter (introduction) An Armenian Sketchbook by Vasily Grossman

An Armenian Sketchbook by Vasily Grossman Introduction An Armenian Sketchbook , written in early 1962, two years before Vasily Grossman’s death in September 1964, is unlike anything else Grossman wrote. It is deeply personal and has an air of spontaneity; Grossman seems simply to be chatting to the reader about his immediate impressions of Armenia—its people, its mountains, its ancient churches—and digressing, almost at random, onto subjects that range from the problem of nationalism to his views on art and even his difficulties with his bladder and bowels. The underlying cause of these physical problems was that Grossman was in the early stages of cancer, soon to be diagnosed in one of his kidneys. Just as Everything Flows , which he began in the mid-1950s but continued to expand and revise during his last years, is Grossman’s political testament, so An Armenian Sketchbook is his personal testament, a discussion of the values he holds deare...