Here and Now with Francis 2/4/16 (mercy, justice, forgiveness, salvation, freedom)

The heart of a Father that goes beyond our little concept of justice to open us to the limitless horizons of His mercy. 

From the homily
It is only by responding to it with goodness that evil can be truly defeated. Here, then, is another way of doing justice, which the Bible presents to us as the masterful way to follow. [...] This is the way to resolve disputes within families, in relations between spouses and between parents and children, where the offended one loves the guilty one and desires to save the relation that links him to the other. Do not cut that relationship, that relation. [...] And here, in fact, forgiveness and mercy come in. [...] The Lord offers us His forgiveness constantly and He helps us to receive it and to become aware of our wrongdoing to be able to be free of it, because God’s does not want our condemnation, but our salvation. [full text]

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