Here and Now with Francis 2/5/16 (death, inheritance, faith, realism, Christianity, life)

The most beautiful inheritance, the greatest inheritance a man, a woman, can leave to their children is the faith. 

From the homily
Thinking about death is “a light that illuminates life” and “a reality that we should always have before us” [...] "In one of the Wednesday audiences there was among those who were sick a very old sister, but with face of peace, a luminous countenance: ‘But how old are you, sister?’ With a smile she said, ‘Eighty-three, but I am finishing my course in this life, to begin another with the Lord, because I have pancreatic cancer.’ And so, in peace, that woman had lived her consecrated life with great intensity. She did not fear death: ‘I am finishing my course of life, to begin another.’ It is a passage. These things do us good.” [...] “What is the inheritance I will leave with my life?” “Will I leave the inheritance of a man, a woman of faith? Will I leave this inheritance to my children? Let us ask two things of the Lord: to not be afraid of this final step, like the sister at the Wednesday audience (‘I am ending my course, but beginning another”), not being afraid. And the second thing, that with our life, we might all be able to leave, as the better inheritance, the faith, faith in this faithful God, this God who is always close to us, this God who is a Father, and who never disappoints.” [link]

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