Three Questions to Pope Francis (WYD 2016)
Sometimes it happens that you want to be a bridge and you are left with your hand stretched out and the other side doesn’t take it: these are the humiliations that we must suffer to do something good. But always build bridges.
After the railway incident of July 12, we are afraid to take the train. Every day I take the train to go to the University, and that day I wasn’t on the train by pure chance. Every day I sit in the first carriages, and there I met and greeted Luciano, one of the engine drivers that, unfortunately, lost his life in the incident. In those trains we feel at home, but now we’re afraid. I would like to ask: how can we return to normality? How can we beat this fear and continue, be happy again also on those trains, which are our trains, our second home?
I would like to ask you: given that in any case I have forgiven them somewhat, because I don’t want to hate anyone, I have forgiven them somewhat, however, I’m still not well. I would like to ask you: how should I forgive these persons? What should I do to forgive them for all that they did to me?
After all that happened to us, after the fear, we asked ourselves – and we want to ask you: how can we, young people, live and spread peace in this world that is so full of hatred?