Here and Now with Francis 8/11/16 (Christ, miracle, mercy, suffering, encounter, meaning)
The center of the Gospel "is not the miracle [of the resurrected son], but Jesus' tenderness toward this boy's mother. Here, mercy takes the name of great compassion toward a woman who had lost her husband and now her only son is also bound for the cemetery. This mother's great sorrow moves Jesus and causes the miracle of the resurrection"
From the audience
St. Luke remarks on Jesus' feelings: "The Lord saw her and had compassion for her and said to her: '“Do not weep.”Then he came forward and touched the bier, and the bearers stood still "(vv. 13-14). Great compassion guided the actions of Jesus: it is he who stops the procession touching the coffin and, moved by deep compassion for this mother, decides to face death, as it were, face to face. And he confronts it definitively, face to face, on the Cross. "
"When Jesus saw the mother crying, she entered his heart! Everyone arrives at the Holy Door everyone bringing with them their life, joys and sufferings, projects and failures, doubts and fears, and present them to the mercy of the Lord. We are confident that, at the Holy Door, the Lord is there close by to encounter each one of us, to bring and offer his powerful words of comfort: "Do not weep!" ".
"This is the door of where the suffering of humanity encounters the compassion of God. We should always think about this: the suffering of humanity encounters the compassion of God .... The powerful word of Jesus can raise us and we also operate in the passage from death to life. His word revives us, gives hope, reviving tired hearts, opens us to a view of the world and of life that goes beyond suffering and death".
"Mercy, both in Jesus is in us - he concluded - is a journey that starts from the heart to reach the hands ... What does it mean? Jesus looks at you, heals you and says "get up" ... with our heart healed by Jesus we do work with our hands ... the works of mercy”. [link]