Here and Now with Francis 8/22/16 (Jesus, way, horizon, broadening, faith, welcoming)
Upon entering the gate of Jesus, the door of faith and of the Gospel, we can get out from worldly attitudes, bad habits, by selfishness and by our own closures. When there is contact with the love and mercy of God, there is a real change. And our life is illuminated by the light of the Holy Spirit: an inextinguishable light!
From the angelus
He leads us into fellowship with the Father, where we find love, understanding and protection. But why is this door narrow? One can ask. Why is it narrow? It is a narrow door not because it is oppressive – no, but because it asks us to restrict and limit our pride and our fear, to open ourselves with humble and trusting heart to Him, recognizing ourselves as sinners, in need of His forgiveness. For this [reason], it is narrow: to contain our pride, which bloats us. The door of God’s mercy is narrow but always wide open, wide open for everyone! God has no favorites, but always welcomes everyone, without distinction. A door, that is narrow to restrict our pride and our fear. Open because God welcomes us without distinction. And the salvation that He gives us, is a never-ending stream of mercy, which breaks down every barrier and opens up surprising perspectives of light and peace. The gate is narrow, but always wide open: do not forget this. [full text]