
Showing posts from November, 2015

Library Booklist (L:eSuf2)

Hawthorne's Fuller Mystery by Thomas Mitchell   The Modern Middle East by Mehran Kamrava   Man in the Struggle for Peace by Charles Malik   Perspective in Whitehead's Metaphysics by Stephen Ross   Beyond Psychology by Otto Rank '''''

Library Booklist (L:dSuf2)

20th Century Music: An Introduction by Eric Salzman Secret Life of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd   Cambridge Latin Course 1   A Mad Desire to Dance by Elie Wiesel   Falling Man by Don DeLillo  

Here and Now with Francis 11/30/15 (poverty, prayer, humility, forgiveness, Advent, Christmas)

From an a ddress at prayer vigil in Bangui To flee from challenges is never a solution. Resistance is needed. To have the courage of resistance and of fighting for good. One who escapes doesn’t have the  courage to give life. [...]  I’ll give you two or three ideas that can be useful for this resistance. First of all is prayer, because it is powerful. Prayer overcomes evil. Prayer brings one  close to God who is All-Powerful. I ask you, do you pray? Don’t forget this. Second, work for peace, and peace is not a document that is signed and then put up some  place. Peace is made each day. Peace is a craft, a handiwork. It’s made with the hands. [...]  I wish the best for you. Think of the banana, of resistance when faced with difficulties. To flee, to escape isn’t the solution. You have to be courageous. Do you  understand what it means to be courageous? Courageous in forgiveness, courageous in love, courageous in building peace. [...] [full text] From t...

T. S. Eliot and gain

The endless cycle of idea and action,  Endless invention, endless experiment,  Brings knowledge of motion, but not of stillness ... Where is the Life we have lost in living?  Where is the wisdom we have lost in knowledge?  Where is the knowledge we have lost in information? 

Library Booklist (L:cSuf2)

Prayer and Common Sense by Thomas Green   The Joy of the Gospel by Carlo Maria Martini   Philosophy Between Faith and Theology by Adriaan Peperzak   Jesus and the Jewish Roots of the Eucharist by Brant Pitre   The Sacred Heart of Jesus by John Eudes   Who Are We? by Jean Bethke Elshtain   The Right to Be Wrong by Kevin Hasson   Where Have You Gone, Michaelangelo? by Thomas Day

Opinion 11/30/15 (Philippines, small-business, Bonifacio Day, climate change)

Inquirer  on  micro, small and medium-sized enterprises Thanks to the Philippines’ hosting of the 2015 Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation meetings, governments in the region have finally recognized the plight of MSMEs  (micro, small and medium-sized enterprises) and are moving to bring them into the economic mainstream. [...]  The Philippines has promised to continue mainstreaming MSMEs in the so-called global value chains (by linking them with conglomerates that operate in different countries) or developing them as direct exporters of finished goods and services. [full text] Sun.Star Cebu about Bonifacio Day Nov. 30, the 150th birth anniversary of Andres Bonifacio, challenges the public to seek the significance of the man behind the long weekend they are enjoying. [...]  The Katipunan that Bonifacio formed and led had two important beliefs: independence from Spanish colonizers and the internal divisions that split Filipinos as a  nation, pointed ...

Library Booklist (L:bSuf2)

The Ways of Judgment by Oliver O'Donovan Between Worlds by Tirosh-Rothschild Isaiah in Talmud and Midrash Part A by Jacob Neusner  The World in Small Boats by Oliver O'Donovan  The World We Build Together by Jonathan Sacks  The Suenens Dossier  Arise from Darkness by Benedict Groeschel  

Here and Now with Francis 11/29/15 (Christianity, Uganda, prayer, Jesus, memory, fidelity, baptism, Holy Spirit)

From the a ddress to Ugandan youth It seems that the microphone doesn’t work well. Sometimes we ourselves don’t work well. Yes or no? And when we don’t work well, to whom do we have to ask help? I don’t hear you. Louder! We have to ask Jesus. Jesus can change your life. Jesus can break down all of the walls that you have before you. Jesus can make of your life a service for others. Some of you might ask me: For this, is there a magic wand? If you want Jesus to change your life, ask him. And this is called prayer. Did you understand? To pray. I ask you: Do you pray? Are you sure? Pray to Jesus because he is the savior. Never stop praying. Prayer is the strongest weapon that a youth has. Jesus loves us. I ask you: Does Jesus love some people and not others? Does Jesus love everyone? Does Jesus want to help everyone? Then open the doors of your heart and allow him to come in. Allow Jesus to enter into my life. And when Jesus comes into your life, he helps you to fight. [full text] F...

Library Booklist (L:aSuf2)

Flannery by Brad Gooch An Unexpected Light: Travels in Afghanistan by Jason Elliot   From Baghdad to Brooklyn by Jack Marshall  Tasting the Sky: A Palestinian Childhood by Ibtisam Barakat  Alexander Men: A Witness by Yves Hamant  Parish Priest by Douglas Brinkley  The Diary of Samuel Pepys  Musical Memories by Camille Saint-Saens  The Incompleat Folksinger by Pete Seeger  

Opinion 11/29/15 (Philippines, El Nino, tarsier, ASEAN, China)

Inquirer  about El Ni ño and tarsier There’s a dark shadow on the holiday season that is now upon us: the fragility of our environment, as underscored by the climate change conference in Paris, the resulting consensus of which is most crucial to the planet. That fragility is brought home to our part of the world by El Niño, which threatens to be severe, as well as a poignant report that the Philippine tarsier is now on the most-endangered list. [...]  The prevailing dangerous times are also particularly illustrated by the recent announcement of wildlife experts that more than half of the primates worldwide are facing extinction as a result of habitat destruction and hunting.  For the first time ever, the list of at-risk species now includes the Philippine tarsier (Carlito syrchta), according to scientists who attended a conference in Singapore last week. [full text] Manila Bulletin   on ASEAN We have long seen ourselves as a nation which asserted its indep...

New Year


Library Booklist (L:gSub)

Unbearable Lightness of Being by Milan Kundera The Tempest by William Shakespeare   Antigone by Sophocles   Dawn by Elie Wiesel   Sir Gawain and the Green Knight    

Library Booklist (L:fSub)

Ludwig Wittgenstein: the Duty of Genius by Ray Monk Stranger at Home by Jacob Neusner  American Judaism by Jacob Neusner  Surprised by Oxford by Carolyn Weber  God's Choice by George Weigel  Inklings of Glory by Ralph Wood  Conversations with Chester Himes  

Here and Now with Francis 11/28/15 (Christianity, corruption, poverty, love, prayer, humility)

From an  address to youth in Kenya Life is full of difficulties, but there are two ways of looking at difficulties: either a person looks at them as something that blocks him, destroys him, stops him, or he looks at them as an opportunity. It is for you to choose. For me, is a difficulty a way of destruction or it is an opportunity to surmount my whole situation, that of my family, of my communities, of my country? Boys and girls, we don’t live in Heaven, we live on earth. [...]  And the earth is full of difficulties. The earth is full not only of difficulties but of invitations to deviate to evil. However, there is something that all of you young people have that lasts a time: the capacity to choose. [...]  [N]ot only in politics, in all institutions -- including in the Vatican -- there are cases of corruption <everywhere>. Corruption is something that gets inside us. It’s like sugar, we like it, it’s easy and then we end badly, we come to an awful end. Becaus...

Library Booklist (L:eSub)

Long Time Gone by David Crosby Father Joe by Tony Hendra  Portrait of Emily Dickinson by David Higgins  Wagner: His Life and Music by Stephen Johnson  Beirut Fragment by Jean Said Makdisi  Doing Our Own Thing: The Degradation of Language and Music by John McWhorter