Opinion 11/18/15

Inquirer on Paris attack’s consequence
For the same reason that Hollywood disaster movies almost always show asteroids or aliens destroying New York City or Tokyo or London or, yes, Paris, the IS terrorists knew that attacking a city filled with iconic landmarks instantly recognizable to billions of people was good tactics. What they did not know is that it was also, in the long run, a losing strategy. Their savagery may attract a few recruits, but it also mobilized millions of Parisians, around the world. [full page]

Sun.Star Cebu about terrorism and Internet
Social media played a crucial role immediately after the terrorist attacks in Paris last weekend. […] Yet access to it has not necessarily made us more tolerant, more vigilant or even (dare we say it) consistently more informed. Would you say that our constant exposure to social media has dismantled some of our deep-seated prejudices? Has it made us less vulnerable to similar assaults? Sixteen months ago, what Facebook, Twitter or Instagram posts were we sharing or stewing over, when one of ISIS’s most influential recruiters, Musa Cerantonio, was arrested in an apartment in Lapu-Lapu City? [full page]

Manila Bulletin on Paris conference amid Paris attack
Even as Paris remains gripped with the fears and uncertainties brought about by the terror attacks last Friday, it has to get ready in 12 days for the opening of the 21st Conference of the Parties of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP 21). [full page]

Philippine Star about APEC and regional security

Regional tensions and armed conflict are never good for economic development. So even if the economy is the focus of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum, keeping the region peaceful cannot be separated from efforts to achieve sustainable economic growth and the 2015 APEC summit’s goals of building inclusive economies for better lives. […] Security matters cannot be kept out of the table if APEC is to remain dynamic and responsive to the region’s needs. [full page]

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