Opinion 11/16/15

Inquirer on Apec and entertainment
Today begins the most important week of the Philippines’ yearlong hosting of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (Apec), which has 21 members that include the powerhouses United States, Russia, China and Japan. […] The Apec platform is composed of various policymaking and technical-level meetings, each focusing on a particular sector or topic. […] What is a visit to the Philippines without entertainment? [full page]

Sun.Star Cebu about sugar and health and soft drink
Last July 10, the House ways and means committee approved the substitute bill for House Bill 3365, reported the Philippine Daily Inquirer (PDI).[…] If implemented, the substitute bill for HB 3365 will double the prices of soft drinks, powdered juice drinks, and other sweetened beverages. […] The country is emerging as a “diabetes hotspot,” declared the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) [full page]

Manila Bulletin on terrorism, Apec, security
The terrorist attacks in Paris, France, in which 153 had been killed as of last count, inevitably raises the security alert for the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Leaders’ Summit which is scheduled Thursday and Friday in Manila. […] The decision of Russian President Vladimir Putin and Indonesian President Joko Widodo to skip this year’s APEC meeting only marginally diminished the perceived danger… […] But it is enough for us to take the utmost security precautions for the APEC here in Manila. [full page]

Philippine Star about the Paris terrorist attack

Only last January, the world mourned with France after the terrorist attacks on the Charlie Hebdo editorial offices and a kosher grocery in Paris. […] The international community needs a coordinated response to this scourge of humanity. In the meantime, people in free societies pause to mourn the grievous loss of lives in France as well as in Russia and in the world’s conflict zones where lives are choked by hatred, violence and fear. [full page]

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