Here and Now with Francis 11/16/15 (Jesus, encounter, hope)
From the Sunday Angelus:
The Gospel of this second-to-last Sunday of the liturgical year proposes to us some of Jesus’ words about the last events of human history, oriented toward the complete fulfillment of the reign of God. […] I would like to ask how many of you think about this: “There will be a day in which I encounter the Lord face to face.” And this is our goal, our encounter. We do not await a time or a place; rather we are going to encounter a person: Jesus. […] Hope: this virtue that is so hard to live. The smallest of the virtues, but the strongest. And our hope has a face: the face of the Risen Lord... The Lord Jesus is not only the destination point of our earthly pilgrimage, but also a constant presence in our lives.
[W]hen you feel like reading your horoscope, look to Jesus who is with us. [full address]