Here and Now with Francis 11/22/15 (Christ the King)
From the Angelus address
And the Gospel of today brings us to contemplate Jesus as he was presented before Pilate as the king of a kingdom that “is not of this world.” This doesn’t mean that Christ is the king of another world, but that he is a different kind of king; but he is king in this world.[...]
We have here a contraposition of two types of logic. The worldly logic bases itself on ambition, competition, combat with the weapons of fear, of bribery, of the manipulation of consciences. On the other hand, the logic of the Gospel, that is, the logic of Jesus, is expressed in humility and gratitude. [...]
Jesus has revealed himself as a king. When? In the event of the cross. [...]
And today, in this Square, let each one of us say in his heart: “He has given his life for me, to be able to save each one of us from our sins.” And who has understood this? One of the criminals who was crucified with him understood it well, the one called the “good thief,” who pleads with him, “remember me when you come into your kingdom.” [full text]