Here and Now with Francis 11/27/15 (Christianity, trust, friendship, Cross, sinner, Christ, Kenya)

From the homily During Mass at University of Nairobi
Today God tells us that we belong to him. He made us, we are his family, and he will always be there for us. “Fear not”, he says to us, “I have chosen you and I promise to give you my blessing” (cf. Is44:2). [...]
In obedience to God’s word, we are also called to resist practices which foster arrogance in men, hurt or demean women, do not look after the elderly and threaten the life of the innocent unborn. We are called to respect and encourage one another, and to reach out to all those in need. Christian families have this special mission: to radiate God’s love, and to spread the life-giving waters of his Spirit. This is especially important today, for we are seeing the growth of new deserts created by a culture of materialism selfishness and indifference to others. [full text]

From the address at an interreligious, ecumenical meeting in Kenya
To be honest, this relationship is challenging; it makes demands of us.  Yet ecumenical and interreligious dialogue is not a luxury.  It is not something extra or optional, but essential, something which our world, wounded by conflict and division, increasingly needs.  [...]

Indeed, religious beliefs and practice condition who we are and how we understand the world around us.  They are for us a source of enlightenment, wisdom and solidarity, and thus enrich the societies in which we live.  [full text]

From an address with religious
Religious are called to follow Jesus until their final steps of this life to the Cross. He warned against ambition, riches, and trying to be an important person in the world. "There's no room for that," he said. "All you have to worry about is going to the Cross," the Pope pointed out, adding, "After, let Him worry about the Resurrection."

"I now tell you this seriously because we know, in the Church, it is not a business, not an NGO," he said, noting, "It is a mystery, a mystery of Christ's gaze upon each one of us, who says follow me."

"It is clear that when Jesus calls us, He doesn't canonize us. We are still the same sinners," the Pope said. "I would ask if there is anyone here--any priests or religious--who doesn't feel that he or she is a sinner: Raise your hand. All of us are sinners" [link]

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