Here and Now with Francis 11/10/15 (bishop, homily)

Pope ordains Bishop during Mass at St. John Lateran

From the homily:
It will do us good to reflect carefully on the high level of responsibility to which our brother is called. The Lord our Jesus Christ sent by the Father to redeem mankind, in turn sent 12 apostles into the world so that they could proclaim the Gospel to all peoples and gathering them under one single pastor, sanctify them and guide them towards salvation. In order to perpetuate this apostolic ministry, the 12 men became collaborators, passing on the gift of the Spirit received by Christ who conferred fullness to the holy orders. And so, this ministry was preserved through the continuous succession of bishops in the living tradition of the Church, the prime ministry of the Saviour which continues and develops until our time. Jesus Christ Himself is present among you, in this bishop, surrounded by his presbyters […] And you, dearest brother, elect of the Lord, consider that you have been chosen from among men and for men; you have been appointed to the things pertaining to God. Indeed, “episcopacy” is the name of a service and not of an honour. The bishop must strive to serve rather than to rule, according to the Master’s commandment: “whoever would be great among you must be your servant, and whoever would be first among you must be slave of all”. Proclaim the Word at every opportunity: in season and out of season. Admonish, rebuke, and exhort unfailing in patience and in teaching. Exhort with all magnanimity and doctrine. Use simple words that everyone can understand, keep homilies short. I shall take the liberty of mentioning your father, and how over the moon he was to have found another parish near the village, that celebrated mass without a homily. May homilies act as the transmission of God’s grace, may they be simple and easy for everyone to understand, making people want to better themselves. [news link]

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